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Echoing green world’s most promising social entrepreneurs

The 2016 Echoing Green Fellowship Application is now open until November 17. Successful applicants will have to not only present an innovative way of addressing social issues, but also explain why they as individuals have what it takes to succeed. Echoing Green is not a grant-making organization. It is a fellowship program because it believes in the importance of the individual social entrepreneur as well as his/her project.  As such, it look at both the applicant and the applicant’s idea.

The 2016 Echoing Green Fellowship Application is now open until November 17. Successful applicants will have to not only present an innovative way of addressing social issues, but also explain why they as individuals have what it takes to succeed. Echoing Green is not a grant-making organization. It is a fellowship program because it believes in the importance of the individual social entrepreneur as well as his/her project.  As such, it look at both the applicant and the applicant’s idea.

Organization Criteria

Successful ideas will be based on;

  • Innovation-we are looking for ideas that have never been tried before. Explain to us how your approach is different from things that have been tried in the past.
  • Importance-to be interested in your solution, Echoing Green must first understand why the issue your project will tackle is imperative. Explain to us the problem you want to solve and why it matters.  On a global scale, why is this issue important?
  • Potential for Big, Bold Impact-show us how your project will directly impact many lives or change a big system. Or, will your solution set an important example that it will have bold impact indirectly? Some models are so innovative and influential that they change big systems by being replicated by others. Explain to us what sets your organization apart and why you believe it is influential enough to be replicated.

More 2016 Echoing Green Fellowship Application