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Ashoka -- Unilever Sustainable Living Young Entrepreneur Awards

Ashoka, Unilever, and their partners welcome innovations from young innovators (ages 18 to 35) worldwide who are tackling one or more of the following UN Millennium Development Goals: no poverty; zero hunger; gender equality; clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean energy; decent work and economic growth; responsible consumption and production; and climate action. Six finalists will each receive cash prizes of €10 thousand, along with support and mentoring. One winner will receive €50 thousand and will be awarded the HRH The Prince of Wales Young Sustainability Entrepreneur Prize, plus support and mentoring. The application deadline is 18 November 2015.

Ashoka, Unilever, and their partners welcome innovations from young innovators (ages 18 to 35) worldwide who are tackling one or more of the following UN Millennium Development Goals: no poverty; zero hunger; gender equality; clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean energy; decent work and economic growth; responsible consumption and production; and climate action. Six finalists will each receive cash prizes of €10 thousand, along with support and mentoring. One winner will receive €50 thousand and will be awarded the HRH The Prince of Wales Young Sustainability Entrepreneur Prize, plus support and mentoring. The application deadline is 18 November 2015.