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Compete in the planet’s largest student competition to stand a chance of winning up to US$1,000,000.

The Hult Prize Foundation is a start-up accelerator for budding young social entrepreneurs emerging from the world’s universities. Named as one of the top five ideas changing the world by President Bill Clinton and TIME Magazine, the annual competition for the Hult Prize aims to create and launch the most compelling social business ideas—start-up enterprises that tackle grave issues faced by billions of people. Winners receive USD1 Million in seed capital, as well as mentorship and advice from the international business community.

The Hult Prize Foundation is a start-up accelerator for budding young social entrepreneurs emerging from the world’s universities. Named as one of the top five ideas changing the world by President Bill Clinton and TIME Magazine, the annual competition for the Hult Prize aims to create and launch the most compelling social business ideas—start-up enterprises that tackle grave issues faced by billions of people. Winners receive USD1 Million in seed capital, as well as mentorship and advice from the international business community.


Participants are asked to form a team of 3-4 students from their university and submit an application to participate at any of the five regional finals locations held in: Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai and Shanghai.   Alternatively, their university may be hosting a Hult Prize@ on-campus event, in which case studentscan fast track their team's participation through competing in their local university edition.

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