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Wilson Society Awards & Research Grants

Each year, the Wilson Ornithological Society offers five categories of research grants. The focus of each differs somewhat, as does the amount of the award. Willingness to report results of the research as an oral or poster paper at an annual meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society within the next 5 years and a brief write-up and a photograph of the awardees for the webpage is a condition of all grants. Applicants must use the Research Awards Application Form, in conjunction with our online application system.

The Wilson Ornithological Society’s most prestigious award is available to all ornithologists, although graduate students and young professionals are given preference. Up to two grants of $2,500 are awarded given annually.

Each year, the Wilson Ornithological Society offers five categories of research grants. The focus of each differs somewhat, as does the amount of the award. Willingness to report results of the research as an oral or poster paper at an annual meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society within the next 5 years and a brief write-up and a photograph of the awardees for the webpage is a condition of all grants. Applicants must use the Research Awards Application Form, in conjunction with our online application system.

Louis Agassiz Fuertes Grant

The Wilson Ornithological Society’s most prestigious award is available to all ornithologists, although graduate students and young professionals are given preference. Up to two grants of $2,500 are awarded given annually.

George A. Hall / Harold F. Mayfield Grant

This grant, formerly known as the Margaret Morse Nice Award, is limited to independent researchers without access to funds and facilities available at colleges, universities, or governmental agencies; it is restricted to non-professionals, including high school students. Any kind of avian research is eligible. One $1,000 award may be given each year.

Wilson Ornithological Society Research Grant

Up to four grants of $1500 are given annually, for work in any area of ornithology. Two of these will be limited to research by Masters Students.

Paul A. Stewart Grant

These grants are available to all avian researchers and will be awarded with preference given to proposals for studies of bird movements based on banding, radio or satellite telemetry (or similar methods), or with an emphasis on economic ornithology. Up to eight awards of $1,000 (as of 2012) are given annually.

General Eligibility Rules and Requirements

  • An applicant may be a citizen of any country.
  • Membership in the Wilson Ornithological Society is strongly encouraged, but not required
  • Applicants may be of any age.
  • Generally, any avian research is eligible conducted anywhere in the world.
  • Award monies are expected to be used for equipment, supplies, travel, and living expenses. Salaries for applicant and field assistants should not be included; however, stipends that cover only basic living expenses are allowed.
  • Individuals are limited to one grant per degree program or project.
  • Applicants may apply for more than one grant.