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French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Sustainable Development -- French Cooperation with Pacific Islands and Territories 2016

The government of France makes grants through a regional fund (Le Fonds Pacifique) for economic, social, and cultural collaboration in the Pacific region. Funding priorities include actions to address climate change and the prevention of natural disasters; food security; sanitation; and other thematic areas. Grants are up to a maximum of 50% of project costs. The Fund normally makes 40-60 grants per year. Applications are submitted through France's diplomatic missions in the Pacific region. The application deadline is 25 November 2015.

The government of France makes grants through a regional fund (Le Fonds Pacifique) for economic, social, and cultural collaboration in the Pacific region. Funding priorities include actions to address climate change and the prevention of natural disasters; food security; sanitation; and other thematic areas. Grants are up to a maximum of 50% of project costs. The Fund normally makes 40-60 grants per year. Applications are submitted through France's diplomatic missions in the Pacific region. The application deadline is 25 November 2015.