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The Mitsubishi Corporation Fund for Europe and Africa - Grants for Conservation and Sustainable Development 2016

For more than 20 years the MCFEA has been engaging with a range of partner organizations throughout Europe and Africa to support projects that align with three central aims: Environmental conservation, Environmental education, Poverty alleviation.

For more than 20 years the MCFEA has been engaging with a range of partner organizations throughout Europe and Africa to support projects that align with three central aims: Environmental conservation, Environmental education, Poverty alleviation.

Objectives of the MCFEA

The principal objectives of the Mitsubishi Fund for Europe and Africa are:

  1. To conserve and protect, for the benefit of the public, the environment as a whole and its animal, forest and plant life in particular and to educate the public in natural history and ecology and the importance of conservation of the environment
  2. To advance the education of the public and, in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing;
  • to promote education and research in the field of ecology and conservation of natural resources and the environment anywhere in the world
  •  to promote the study and appreciation of flora and fauna anywhere in the world with particular emphasis on endangered species
  • to promote the study and appreciation of agriculture, horticulture, silviculture and land and estate management
  • to carry out research into the sustainable development of forest lands.
  1. To relieve poverty in any part of the world.

Applicants are invited to complete an online application form by 31st March 2016 if their project or organisation fits with one or more of the objectives.

All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by the end of August 2016.