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Wuppertal Institute -- Renewable Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean

SEPS (Sustainable Energy Project Support) calls for projects and knowledge exchanges that promote small-scale renewable energy in Latin America and the Caribbean. SEPS is particularly interested in biogas and small wind technologies, but also is receptive to projects in other renewable energy technologies or hybrid approaches. Projects can aim to provide solutions for small farmers, agro-businesses, or small companies -- or they can address aggregated needs at community or municipal levels. The deadline for applications (English only) is 21 December 2015.

SEPS (Sustainable Energy Project Support) calls for projects and knowledge exchanges that promote small-scale renewable energy in Latin America and the Caribbean. SEPS is particularly interested in biogas and small wind technologies, but also is receptive to projects in other renewable energy technologies or hybrid approaches. Projects can aim to provide solutions for small farmers, agro-businesses, or small companies -- or they can address aggregated needs at community or municipal levels. The deadline for applications (English only) is 21 December 2015.