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Call for applications-IFS Individual Research Grants

International Foundation for Science (IFS) is currently inviting early-career scientists in IFS eligible developing countries to apply for IFS Individual Research Grants and carry out research projects for a period of up to 3 years. An applicant must have at least an MSc/MA, be younger than 35 years of age (for men) or 40 years of age (for women) and must do the research project in an IFS eligible country.

Young researchers wishing to start or consolidate their independent research careers and who fulfil the IFS eligibility criteria are welcome to apply.

International Foundation for Science (IFS) is currently inviting early-career scientists in IFS eligible developing countries to apply for IFS Individual Research Grants and carry out research projects for a period of up to 3 years. An applicant must have at least an MSc/MA, be younger than 35 years of age (for men) or 40 years of age (for women) and must do the research project in an IFS eligible country.

Young researchers wishing to start or consolidate their independent research careers and who fulfil the IFS eligibility criteria are welcome to apply.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants for IFS Research Grants

  • must be citizens of eligible countries and carry out their research in an eligible country (this does not have to be the country of citizenship)
  • must have a minimum of an MSc, MA or equivalent academic degree
  • must be (for men) younger than 35 years of age, and (for women) 40 years of age
    [If the applicant’s 35th (men)/40th (women) birthday is on or after the closing date of the call, he/she is still eligible.]
  • Researchers, who are already IFS grantees, are eligible to apply for a renewal grant irrespective of age.
  •  Applicants must be attached to a national research institute (e.g. university, non-profit making research centre, or research-oriented NGO) in a developing country.
  •  Eligible for IFS support are low and lower middle income countries and the IFS cut off point for country eligibility is the middle income GNI threshold (currently USD 4,653) plus 5%, USD 4,886.

Deadline for applications:    31st December, 2015

For more information, visit the official page for  International Foundation for Science