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Rainforest Biodiversity Group -- Small Grants for Conservation in the Neotropics

The Rainforest Biodiversity Group invites proposals for projects that lead to the conservation of biodiversity in the Neotropics. Grants may be used for scientific research, environmental education, sustainable economic development, or other conservation activities that demonstrate benefit to the conservation of wildlife or their habitat. Eligibility extends to graduate students and non-profit organizations. Grants are up to US$1,500. The application deadline is 01 December 2015.

The Rainforest Biodiversity Group invites proposals for projects that lead to the conservation of biodiversity in the Neotropics. Grants may be used for scientific research, environmental education, sustainable economic development, or other conservation activities that demonstrate benefit to the conservation of wildlife or their habitat. Eligibility extends to graduate students and non-profit organizations. Grants are up to US$1,500. The application deadline is 01 December 2015.