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Kinship Conservation Fellows-2016 training program

Applications for the Kinship Conservation Fellows-2016 training program are being accepted

Summarize your leadership experience. (150 words)

Applications for the Kinship Conservation Fellows-2016 training program are being accepted


Summarize your leadership experience. (150 words)

Why you want to attend Kinship and what you see yourself doing in five years. (250 words)

Your experience working with market-based tools. (250 words)

A project description of an environmental issue related to your work and your plan to develop a solution using market-based approaches. (500 words)


Your resume should reflect at least five years of experience working in an environmental field. Five years cannot include time spent pursuing a degree.


The best and the brightest practitioners in the field is selected and awarded a $6,000 stipend and a month of valuable, cutting-edge training


  • We're looking for conservation leaders with at least five years of experience, who are deeply committed to conservation, involved with the implementation of market-based approaches to solve environmental problems, and ready to be part of an expanding community of global leaders.
  • Possess a minimum of a four-year U.S. college degree (or its overseas equivalent).
  • Have a minimum of five years relevant work experience, after your degree.
  • Be proficient in spoken and written English.
  • Be a conservation practitioner (rather than an academic or researcher).

For more visit Kinship Conservation Fellows-2016 training program