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International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) -- CARPE Small Grants in Central Africa

The IUCN makes small grants through the Central African Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE). The grants aim to build the capacity of civil society in countries of Central Africa for governance and policy in the conservation and management of natural resources. Eligibility for grants extends to legally recognized nonprofit organizations such as local NGOs, community-based organizations, local associations, NGO research centers, independent researchers, and university students. Women and minor groups are especially welcome to apply. Grants are a maximum of US$30 thousand. Applications (French, English) are reviewed at the end of January and the end of June.

The IUCN makes small grants through the Central African Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE). The grants aim to build the capacity of civil society in countries of Central Africa for governance and policy in the conservation and management of natural resources. Eligibility for grants extends to legally recognized nonprofit organizations such as local NGOs, community-based organizations, local associations, NGO research centers, independent researchers, and university students. Women and minor groups are especially welcome to apply. Grants are a maximum of US$30 thousand. Applications (French, English) are reviewed at the end of January and the end of June.