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Call for projects which build resilience to Climate Change in Africa

Developing countries will experience some of the worst impacts of climate change and given the constraints on the availability of public sector resources, it is generally accepted that significant private sector financing will be required to play a role in addressing many of the challenges of adaptation.

CTI PFAN’s Programme for Financing Climate Change Projects seeks to identify promising projects which have the capability of raising private sector financing while building resilience to climate change. Selected projects will be offered free professional advice on project development and structuring and will be connected with investment through CTI PFAN’s global investment networks.

Developing countries will experience some of the worst impacts of climate change and given the constraints on the availability of public sector resources, it is generally accepted that significant private sector financing will be required to play a role in addressing many of the challenges of adaptation.

CTI PFAN’s Programme for Financing Climate Change Projects seeks to identify promising projects which have the capability of raising private sector financing while building resilience to climate change. Selected projects will be offered free professional advice on project development and structuring and will be connected with investment through CTI PFAN’s global investment networks.

The best projects will also be showcased at an Investor Forum to be held in 2016. The current call for proposals is the second call under this programme, the first round of which was completed in November 2014.

Project Eligibility

CTI PFAN seeks project proposals that are financially and technically viable, environmentally beneficial, socially responsible and which build resilience or reduce vulnerability to climate change.

Projects which reduce poverty and/or increase incomes for vulnerable populations are therefore eligible.

Eligible projects include proposals by:

?Companies, Individuals or Legal Persons (or consortia thereof)

?Public Private Partnerships

?Entities which are legally structured to redistribute profits

Projects in the following sectors are being targeted for selection:

Agriculture & Agri-business

Water and Sanitation

Forestry, Eco-system Services and Biodiversity

Energy & Access to Energy (Climate Proofing of Energy Generation & Supply)

Urban Development

While we are focusing on these sectors, projects from other sectors will be considered if they demonstrate financing potential

Priority countries

East Africa: Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda; 

Southern Africa: Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe:  

West Africa: Ghana, Ivory Coast, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo; 

The deadline for this application is 24 January 2016

For more information visit CTI PFAN’s Programme website