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Volkswagen Foundation -- Post-Doctoral Research on Livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa

In its program Knowledge for Tomorrow, the Volkswagen Foundation funds postdoctoral fellowships on "Livelihood Management, Reforms and Processes of Structural Change." The research under this call should address how to manage and protect resources efficiently and develop sustainable livelihood strategies under present social and environmental conditions, and in view of locally and globally changing circumstances. Research projects are developed and carried out by African scholars and scientists in cooperation with German partners. The application deadline for pre-proposals is 06 April 2016.

In its program Knowledge for Tomorrow, the Volkswagen Foundation funds postdoctoral fellowships on "Livelihood Management, Reforms and Processes of Structural Change." The research under this call should address how to manage and protect resources efficiently and develop sustainable livelihood strategies under present social and environmental conditions, and in view of locally and globally changing circumstances. Research projects are developed and carried out by African scholars and scientists in cooperation with German partners. The application deadline for pre-proposals is 06 April 2016.