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United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) -- Visiting Scholars for Green Growth in Africa

With funding from Canada, UNU-INRA is undertaking a three-year project on “Unleashing the Potential of African Rural Economies through Green Growth.” UNU-INRA welcomes applicants from the African continent who are faculty members or researchers at African universities and other research institutions. Applicants should have a PhD degree in economics, environmental sciences, social sciences, or other relevant field of study. UNU-INRA will provide a monthly stipend of around US$1,500 to successful applicants who will work at UNU-INRA's headquarters in Accra, or at any of its operating units, for a period of four months. The deadline for applications is 15 September 2015.

With funding from Canada, UNU-INRA is undertaking a three-year project on “Unleashing the Potential of African Rural Economies through Green Growth.” UNU-INRA welcomes applicants from the African continent who are faculty members or researchers at African universities and other research institutions. Applicants should have a PhD degree in economics, environmental sciences, social sciences, or other relevant field of study. UNU-INRA will provide a monthly stipend of around US$1,500 to successful applicants who will work at UNU-INRA's headquarters in Accra, or at any of its operating units, for a period of four months. The deadline for applications is 15 September 2015.