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Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) -- Matchmaking Facility

The IPBES calls for proposals and pledges from organizations, institutions, partnerships, and individuals needing or offering technical or financial support for capacity-building projects in support of the objectives of IPBES. The subject areas in the Matching Facility include national assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services; knowledge, information, and data; indigenous and local knowledge; policy support tools; and other. Accepted proposals and pledges will become publicly accessible following the first IPBES Capacity-Building Forum to be held in India during October 2015. The proposal deadline is 05 September 2015.

The IPBES calls for proposals and pledges from organizations, institutions, partnerships, and individuals needing or offering technical or financial support for capacity-building projects in support of the objectives of IPBES. The subject areas in the Matching Facility include national assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services; knowledge, information, and data; indigenous and local knowledge; policy support tools; and other. Accepted proposals and pledges will become publicly accessible following the first IPBES Capacity-Building Forum to be held in India during October 2015. The proposal deadline is 05 September 2015.