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Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) -- Biodiversity Conservation in Indonesia

The CEPF offers large grants (over US$20 thousand) to support conservation priorities for the Wallacea Biodiversity Hotspot. The geographical focus of the current grants is the Sangihe Talaud and Northern Sulawesi Marine Corridor, and/or the Seram and Buru Marine Corridor. Eligibility for funding extends to NGOs, community groups, universities, private enterprises, and individuals. Individuals are encouraged to work with civil society organizations and communities to develop joint applications, rather than apply directly. The deadline for letters of inquiry is 31 August 2015.

The CEPF offers large grants (over US$20 thousand) to support conservation priorities for the Wallacea Biodiversity Hotspot. The geographical focus of the current grants is the Sangihe Talaud and Northern Sulawesi Marine Corridor, and/or the Seram and Buru Marine Corridor. Eligibility for funding extends to NGOs, community groups, universities, private enterprises, and individuals. Individuals are encouraged to work with civil society organizations and communities to develop joint applications, rather than apply directly. The deadline for letters of inquiry is 31 August 2015.