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First Peoples Worldwide -- Keepers of the Earth

First Peoples Worldwide makes grants through the Keepers of the Earth Fund to support grassroots projects of indigenous organizations. The Fund's interests include indigenous land use, management of natural resources, climate change, and food security -- among others. Grants for first-time applicants range from US$500 to US$5 thousand. The Fund allows applications to be presented on video. The application period closes 31 October of each year.

First Peoples Worldwide makes grants through the Keepers of the Earth Fund to support grassroots projects of indigenous organizations. The Fund's interests include indigenous land use, management of natural resources, climate change, and food security -- among others. Grants for first-time applicants range from US$500 to US$5 thousand. The Fund allows applications to be presented on video. The application period closes 31 October of each year.