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Inter-American Development Bank -- Regional Collective Action in Latin America and the Caribbean 2016

The Inter-American Development Bank calls for innovations in South-South cooperation to address important regional public goods. The program promotes regional public goods in any area in which the Bank is active, including the cross-cutting area of climate change and environmental sustainability. Proposals are accepted from public institutions, private nonprofit entities, and regional and sub-regional institutions with legal capacity to enter into agreements with the IDB. Each proposal should include participation from three or more countries. Most grants will range from US$0.6 million to US$ 1.2 million for projects of two to three years. The application deadline is 07 April 2016.

The Inter-American Development Bank calls for innovations in South-South cooperation to address important regional public goods. The program promotes regional public goods in any area in which the Bank is active, including the cross-cutting area of climate change and environmental sustainability. Proposals are accepted from public institutions, private nonprofit entities, and regional and sub-regional institutions with legal capacity to enter into agreements with the IDB. Each proposal should include participation from three or more countries. Most grants will range from US$0.6 million to US$ 1.2 million for projects of two to three years. The application deadline is 07 April 2016.