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Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) -- Ecosystem Profile for the Mediterranean Basin

The CEPF will make one award up to US$300 thousand to update the ecosystem profile for the Mediterranean Basin Biodiversity Hotspot, covering 26 countries. CEPF's guidelines identify the priority issues, countries, and strategies for developing the revised profile during a period of approximately one year. CEPF will accept proposals from any qualified organization(s) and consortia anywhere in the world -- including from NGOs, private consulting groups, and public and private universities. The closing date is 15 April 2016.

The CEPF will make one award up to US$300 thousand to update the ecosystem profile for the Mediterranean Basin Biodiversity Hotspot, covering 26 countries. CEPF's guidelines identify the priority issues, countries, and strategies for developing the revised profile during a period of approximately one year. CEPF will accept proposals from any qualified organization(s) and consortia anywhere in the world -- including from NGOs, private consulting groups, and public and private universities. The closing date is 15 April 2016.