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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -- Grants to Combat Wildlife Trafficking

The USFW will make grants to halt illegal trade in terrestrial and aquatic wildlife species, as well as timber. Supported activities include training for governments; assisting communities in wildlife conservation; promoting tools and technologies to detect illegal wildlife trade; increasing public awareness about the negative impacts of wildlife trade; promoting demand reduction in key regions and countries; and strengthening international agreements and cooperation to deter wildlife trafficking. The program aims to make 10 grants for up to US$100 thousand each for projects of one year. Eligibility extends to individuals and a wide range of organizations in the USA and internationally. The deadline for pre-applications is 22 April 2016.

The USFW will make grants to halt illegal trade in terrestrial and aquatic wildlife species, as well as timber. Supported activities include training for governments; assisting communities in wildlife conservation; promoting tools and technologies to detect illegal wildlife trade; increasing public awareness about the negative impacts of wildlife trade; promoting demand reduction in key regions and countries; and strengthening international agreements and cooperation to deter wildlife trafficking. The program aims to make 10 grants for up to US$100 thousand each for projects of one year. Eligibility extends to individuals and a wide range of organizations in the USA and internationally. The deadline for pre-applications is 22 April 2016.