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Kurita Water and Environment Foundation – Water Research Grants 2016

The KWEF makes grants in Asian countries for water research at universities, colleges, and research institutes. Research topics include technologies to conserve and restore rivers, lakes, and other water resources – among other themes. Grants are up to 300 thousand yen per project per year. Applicants should be under age 40. Each applicant needs to provide a recommendation letter by a Japanese researcher who resides in Japan or in the researcher’s home country. The application period is 01 April through 12 May 2016.

The KWEF makes grants in Asian countries for water research at universities, colleges, and research institutes. Research topics include technologies to conserve and restore rivers, lakes, and other water resources – among other themes. Grants are up to 300 thousand yen per project per year. Applicants should be under age 40. Each applicant needs to provide a recommendation letter by a Japanese researcher who resides in Japan or in the researcher’s home country. The application period is 01 April through 12 May 2016.