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Lush Retail, Inc. -- Animal Protection, Environment, and Human Rights

Lush makes grants through a Charity Pot to small grassroots organizations for projects in environment, animal protection, and human rights. It prefers to support projects which aim to change opinion and behavior through raising awareness of issues, activism, and education and campaigning. Grants are a maximum of US$25 thousand per project. Applicants study the Charity Pot guidelines and send an email to request an application form.

Lush makes grants through a Charity Pot to small grassroots organizations for projects in environment, animal protection, and human rights. It prefers to support projects which aim to change opinion and behavior through raising awareness of issues, activism, and education and campaigning. Grants are a maximum of US$25 thousand per project. Applicants study the Charity Pot guidelines and send an email to request an application form.