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International Association for the Study of the Commons -- Elinor Ostrom Award 2016

With financial support from the Ford Foundation, the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) awards the Elinor Ostrom Award on Collective Governance of the Commons (e.g., relating to forests, water bodies, fisheries, pasture lands, etc.) to honor the pioneering work in this area by Professor Ostrom. The categories of awards include practitioners, young academics, and senior academics. The closing date for nominations is 31 March 2016.

With financial support from the Ford Foundation, the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) awards the Elinor Ostrom Award on Collective Governance of the Commons (e.g., relating to forests, water bodies, fisheries, pasture lands, etc.) to honor the pioneering work in this area by Professor Ostrom. The categories of awards include practitioners, young academics, and senior academics. The closing date for nominations is 31 March 2016.