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Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund -- Biodiversity Conservation in Indonesia

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) announces large grants (> US$20 thousand) for biodiversity conservation in North Maluku and South Sulawesi. Eligibility for funding extends to applicants from NGOs, community groups, private enterprises, universities, and other civil society organizations. CEPF particularly encourages applications from organizations that propose to build capacity of local civil society and community groups. Typical large grants from CEPF are about US$100 thousand for between 12-30 months. The closing date for letters of inquiry (Bahasa, English) is 08 April 2016.

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) announces large grants (> US$20 thousand) for biodiversity conservation in North Maluku and South Sulawesi. Eligibility for funding extends to applicants from NGOs, community groups, private enterprises, universities, and other civil society organizations. CEPF particularly encourages applications from organizations that propose to build capacity of local civil society and community groups. Typical large grants from CEPF are about US$100 thousand for between 12-30 months. The closing date for letters of inquiry (Bahasa, English) is 08 April 2016.