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Swiss Re -- Leadership Prize in Water Management 2017

The International ReSource Award is a prize acknowledging social entrepreneurial thinking and leadership in implementing sustainable water management in developing and emerging countries. Each of three finalists will receive US$20 thousand and expert assistance to further develop their proposals in order to compete for a first prize of US$75 thousand. Eligibility for the ReSource Award extends to charities, non-profit organizations, and revenue-generating social enterprises. The application deadline for short proposals (Step I) is 30 April 2016.

The International ReSource Award is a prize acknowledging social entrepreneurial thinking and leadership in implementing sustainable water management in developing and emerging countries. Each of three finalists will receive US$20 thousand and expert assistance to further develop their proposals in order to compete for a first prize of US$75 thousand. Eligibility for the ReSource Award extends to charities, non-profit organizations, and revenue-generating social enterprises. The application deadline for short proposals (Step I) is 30 April 2016.