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2016 UNEP Champions of the Earth Nomination

 UNEP invites nominations from individuals and organizations who exemplify leadership and advocate action on sustainable development and climate change at the national, regional and global levels.

The Champions of the Earth award is the United Nations highest environmental honour recognizing visionary people and organisations all over the world that exemplify leadership and advocate action on sustainable development, climate change and a life of dignity for all.

 UNEP invites nominations from individuals and organizations who exemplify leadership and advocate action on sustainable development and climate change at the national, regional and global levels.

Champions of the Earth

The Champions of the Earth award is the United Nations highest environmental honour recognizing visionary people and organisations all over the world that exemplify leadership and advocate action on sustainable development, climate change and a life of dignity for all.

The environment plays a crucial role in achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals which were adopted last year. About half of the SDGs are directly environmental in focus or address the sustainability of natural resources: poverty, health, food and agriculture, water and sanitation, human settlements, energy, climate change, sustainable consumption and production, oceans, and terrestrial ecosystems. Over 86 targets concern environmental sustainability, including at least one in each of the Goals. The Champions of the Earth award seeks to build on this by highlighting individuals and organizations who show leadership and vision in delivering on the environmental dimension of the sustainable development agenda.


  • Persons may nominate themselves, their own organizations, or a third party whom they believe should receive recognition.
  • All nominations must be supported by three endorsers.
  • Press clippings, testimonials and photographs may be sent to support the nomination. Do not send books, videos, etc. Short-listed applicants will be contacted for further supporting information.
  • All nominations will be reviewed and judged by the UNEP Executive Committee.

Deadline for receipt of nominations for 2016 is 30 April 2016.

More information at 2016 UNEP Champions of the Earth Nomination