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CRDF Global -- Agricultural Research for Early-Career Women Scientists in the MENA Region

CRDF Global welcomes proposals to support collaborate research in agricultural sciences between young Arab female scientists in the Middle East and North Africa in partnership with U.S. researchers. This initiative is jointly funded by CRDF Global and the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture. The supported research areas are: (i) Breeding and genomics of important food crops for resilience to climate change and salinity; and (ii) Water, soil, and nutrient management to enhance resilience to climate change and salinity. Eligible MENA countries are Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestinian Territories, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Proposals are submitted jointly by one principal investigator from MENA and one principal investigator from the USA. The deadline for proposals is 15 June 2016.

CRDF Global welcomes proposals to support collaborate research in agricultural sciences between young Arab female scientists in the Middle East and North Africa in partnership with U.S. researchers. This initiative is jointly funded by CRDF Global and the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture. The supported research areas are: (i) Breeding and genomics of important food crops for resilience to climate change and salinity; and (ii) Water, soil, and nutrient management to enhance resilience to climate change and salinity. Eligible MENA countries are Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestinian Territories, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Proposals are submitted jointly by one principal investigator from MENA and one principal investigator from the USA. The deadline for proposals is 15 June 2016.