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Mekong Region Land Governance -- Innovation Fund 2016

The Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG) project is co-sponsored by the governments of Switzerland, Germany, and Luxembourg. MLRG aims to improve the tenure security of family farmers in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam by focusing on land rights and customary tenure recognition; regulation of large-scale land acquisition; and responsible land-based investments. The current call for proposals offers small grants for planning and mobilization up to a maximum of US$75 thousand for two years. MRLG may later announce larger grants to raise total funding per project to US$250 thousand, although this is tentative. Eligibility for funding extends to government institutions, private sector organizations, or other organizations jointly implementing with government and/or private sector organizations. The application deadline is 23 May 2016.  

The Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG) project is co-sponsored by the governments of Switzerland, Germany, and Luxembourg. MLRG aims to improve the tenure security of family farmers in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam by focusing on land rights and customary tenure recognition; regulation of large-scale land acquisition; and responsible land-based investments. The current call for proposals offers small grants for planning and mobilization up to a maximum of US$75 thousand for two years. MRLG may later announce larger grants to raise total funding per project to US$250 thousand, although this is tentative. Eligibility for funding extends to government institutions, private sector organizations, or other organizations jointly implementing with government and/or private sector organizations. The application deadline is 23 May 2016.