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European Commission (EC) -- Europe-Africa Collaboration in Food Security and Agriculture

Under the program Research and Innovation Network for Europe and Africa (RINEA), Africans can apply for mobility grants to promote business, technological, and research partnerships in Europe. The current call focuses on Food Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture, and related fields. The program offers three match-making events, one in Italy and two in Denmark, for which applications are invited from African SMEs, universities, research institutions, and other R&I organizations. The application deadline is 29 April 2016.

Under the program Research and Innovation Network for Europe and Africa (RINEA), Africans can apply for mobility grants to promote business, technological, and research partnerships in Europe. The current call focuses on Food Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture, and related fields. The program offers three match-making events, one in Italy and two in Denmark, for which applications are invited from African SMEs, universities, research institutions, and other R&I organizations. The application deadline is 29 April 2016.