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Middle East Desalination Research Center -- Water Research Fellowships 2016

The Middle East Desalination Research Center (MEDRC) works on solutions to fresh water scarcity by supporting research, training, knowledge exchange, and capacity building. MEDRC announces the 2016 Water Research Fellowship Program in collaboration with the Palestinian Water Authority and Jordan's Ministry of Water and Irrigation. Successful candidates will receive US$3,000 to US$ 6,500 towards tuition fees, living expenses, and research costs in eligible masters degree programs at participating universities in Jordan, the West Bank, and Gaza. The application deadline is 05 May 2016.

The Middle East Desalination Research Center (MEDRC) works on solutions to fresh water scarcity by supporting research, training, knowledge exchange, and capacity building. MEDRC announces the 2016 Water Research Fellowship Program in collaboration with the Palestinian Water Authority and Jordan's Ministry of Water and Irrigation. Successful candidates will receive US$3,000 to US$ 6,500 towards tuition fees, living expenses, and research costs in eligible masters degree programs at participating universities in Jordan, the West Bank, and Gaza. The application deadline is 05 May 2016.