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University of Geneva Executive Summer School on Global Environmental Policy

Organised in partnership with UNEP, the main objective of the Executive Summer School (ESS) on Global Environmental Policy is to provide professionals with a broad training programme in order to bridge the common gap between scientific knowledge and professional expertise related to core environmental themes.

The modules provide an intensive immersion in the latest political and scientific issues on the global environmental agenda. They link scientific knowledge, political sensitivity and practical negotiation techniques relevant to the development and implementation of both legal and voluntary international agreements.

Organised in partnership with UNEP, the main objective of the Executive Summer School (ESS) on Global Environmental Policy is to provide professionals with a broad training programme in order to bridge the common gap between scientific knowledge and professional expertise related to core environmental themes.

The modules provide an intensive immersion in the latest political and scientific issues on the global environmental agenda. They link scientific knowledge, political sensitivity and practical negotiation techniques relevant to the development and implementation of both legal and voluntary international agreements.

Beyond enlarging each participant's knowledge base, the ESS is designed to enhance concrete decision-making, problem-solving and negotiation skills.


A limited number of scholarships will be attributed to cover half the tuition fee. Applications for scholarship will be reviewed by a Scientific Committee, and the selection of the recipients will be based on academic merit, professional experience and financial need.

Applicants seeking a scholarship are therefore requested to submit their full application as soon as possible, and are advised to look for alternative sponsors to cover the other half and other expenses.


To apply, you have to download, fulfil and sign the registration form, and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the following documents:

  • a curriculum vitae
  • a copy of an identity document
  • copies of your qualifications
  • a letter of motivation
  • a letter of support from your employer.

More information at University of Geneva Executive Summer School on Global Environmental Policy