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Iso Lomso Fellowships for Early Career African Researchers

Iso Lomso Fellowships provide an exceptional early career opportunity for Africa’s brightest minds in academia. Iso Lomso means ‘the eye of tomorrow’ in isiXhosa: seeing towards the future, laying the foundations for tomorrow.

Iso Lomso Fellows will enjoy:

Iso Lomso Fellowships provide an exceptional early career opportunity for Africa’s brightest minds in academia. Iso Lomso means ‘the eye of tomorrow’ in isiXhosa: seeing towards the future, laying the foundations for tomorrow.


Iso Lomso Fellows will enjoy:

  • a three-year attachment to STIAS during which time they may spend a total of ten months in residence at STIAS to develop and pursue a long-term research programme;
  • the possibility of a residency at a sister institute for advanced study in North America, Europe or elsewhere;
  • funding to attend up to three international conferences or training workshops anywhere in the world;
  • support to convene a workshop with collaborators at STIAS;
  • Lecturer replacement subsidy for the fellow’s home institution during residency periods.

The programme is aimed at African scholars who have obtained a doctoral degree within the preceding eight years and who hold an academic position at a university or research institution anywhere in Africa. Preference will be given to candidates who have established a research programme and have completed a post-doctoral fellowship. All disciplines are considered.

To submit an application:

  1. Download and read the Iso Lomso Call for Applications 2016
  2. Download and complete the Iso Lomso Application Form 2016
  3. Prepare the required additional documents
  4. Submit the application documents This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before the deadline

Read more at Iso Lomso Fellowships for Early Career African Researchers