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Best Climate Practices -- Ideas to Expand Access to Climate Financing

The Best Climate Practices contest for 2016 focuses on ideas and projects to raise and drive financial support towards local actions for small-scale mitigation and adaptation, and/or to increase inclusiveness and simplify access to climate finance. The contest is open to individuals, teams, or organizations regardless of nationality, age, or qualifications. The contest winner will be awarded €3 thousand. The voting period is open through 18 July 2016.

The Best Climate Practices contest for 2016 focuses on ideas and projects to raise and drive financial support towards local actions for small-scale mitigation and adaptation, and/or to increase inclusiveness and simplify access to climate finance. The contest is open to individuals, teams, or organizations regardless of nationality, age, or qualifications. The contest winner will be awarded €3 thousand. The voting period is open through 18 July 2016.