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International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) -- Financial Inclusion of Smallholder Farmers in Ghana and Kenya

Through its window on agricultural innovation, 3ie calls for impact evaluations of the program Financial Inclusion for Smallholder Farmers in Africa Project (FISFAP), funded by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). The purpose of FISFAP is to promote access to financial and non-financial services for smallholder farmers through financial institutions, agro-dealers, warehouse operators, farmer-based organisations, and others. The focus countries for the impact evaluation are Ghana and Kenya. The applicant organisation and principal investigators may be located in any country, but the team is required to have direct work experience in Ghana/Kenya. The deadline to apply for proposal preparation grants is 13 July 2016.

Through its window on agricultural innovation, 3ie calls for impact evaluations of the program Financial Inclusion for Smallholder Farmers in Africa Project (FISFAP), funded by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). The purpose of FISFAP is to promote access to financial and non-financial services for smallholder farmers through financial institutions, agro-dealers, warehouse operators, farmer-based organisations, and others. The focus countries for the impact evaluation are Ghana and Kenya. The applicant organisation and principal investigators may be located in any country, but the team is required to have direct work experience in Ghana/Kenya. The deadline to apply for proposal preparation grants is 13 July 2016.