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Rockefeller Foundation -- Cassava Innovation Challenge

The Rockefeller Foundation is partnering with Dalberg and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in the Rockefeller Foundation Cassava Innovation Challenge. The Challenge will provide up to US$1 million, as well as technical assistance from Dalberg and IITA, to further develop novel solutions that address food loss and spoilage in the cassava value chain. The Challenge is open to all organizations -- whether for-profit or nonprofit -- including governmental and inter-governmental organizations. The focus country is Nigeria, the world's largest producer of cassava, although applications are invited from anywhere. Collaborations between organizations are encouraged. Applicants are allowed to submit more than one entry. The deadline for applications is 08 July 2016.

The Rockefeller Foundation is partnering with Dalberg and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in the Rockefeller Foundation Cassava Innovation Challenge. The Challenge will provide up to US$1 million, as well as technical assistance from Dalberg and IITA, to further develop novel solutions that address food loss and spoilage in the cassava value chain. The Challenge is open to all organizations -- whether for-profit or nonprofit -- including governmental and inter-governmental organizations. The focus country is Nigeria, the world's largest producer of cassava, although applications are invited from anywhere. Collaborations between organizations are encouraged. Applicants are allowed to submit more than one entry. The deadline for applications is 08 July 2016.