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Rothamsted Research — Agri-Tech in China

With funding by the UK Government and implementation led by Rothamsted Research, the Agri-Tech in China: Newton Network+ (ATCNN) addresses challenges facing the agri-tech and agri-food sector in China.   The program will provide UK excellence in satellite imaging, remote sensing, smart sensors, robotics, and data-intensive science for new solutions for agricultural productivity and sustainability in rural China. Applications are currently invited for Pathfinder and Proof of Concept awards. Projects must be led by either a UK business or a UK research organisation. Projects with actual or in-kind support from Chinese partners will be given priority. The application deadline is 31 October 2016. Link

With funding by the UK Government and implementation led by Rothamsted Research, the Agri-Tech in China: Newton Network+ (ATCNN) addresses challenges facing the agri-tech and agri-food sector in China.   The program will provide UK excellence in satellite imaging, remote sensing, smart sensors, robotics, and data-intensive science for new solutions for agricultural productivity and sustainability in rural China. Applications are currently invited for Pathfinder and Proof of Concept awards. Projects must be led by either a UK business or a UK research organisation. Projects with actual or in-kind support from Chinese partners will be given priority. The application deadline is 31 October 2016. Link