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The 2017 Olam prize for innovation in food security


Olam International is a leading agri-business operating across the value chain in 70 countries. In 2016, Fortune recognized Olam among the Top 50 companies in its "Change the World" list for its work with smallholder farmers. 


Olam International

Olam International is a leading agri-business operating across the value chain in 70 countries. In 2016, Fortune recognized Olam among the Top 50 companies in its "Change the World" list for its work with smallholder farmers. 

The Olam price for innovation in food security 

In 2014, the Olam Prize for Innovation in Food Security was launched in partnership with international scientific organisation, Agropolis Fondation.

Scientific innovation will be essential to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. The Olam Prize aims to advance knowledge and recognise innovation in world food security, by rewarding an outstanding research project for its potential impact on the availability, affordability, accessibility or adequacy of food.

Olam price invites applications from research projects in plant science, soil science, nutritional science, agricultural sciences or other field of scientific research impacting food security, focused on any part of the agricultural supply chain. 

The Olam Prize is judged and awarded in conjunction with Agropolis Fondation’s Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize for Agriculture and Food, which recognises individuals for their contribution to research, development and capacity building to improve sustainability of food and agricultural systems, food security and poverty reduction.


Applications for the 2nd edition of the Olam Prize for Innovation in Food Security open on 12 October 2016 and close on 12 February 2017. 

Value of the grant

The winner of the Prize will receive US$50,000 (including VAT where applicable) which is to be spent unrestrictedly on furthering the research project and/or scaling up its impact. 

In 2015, the inaugural Olam International Prize for Innovation in Food Security was awarded to the SRI International Network and Resources Center (SRI-Rice) for their work on the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), a game-changing innovation that enhances productivity of rice paddy, water conservation, livelihoods, biodiversity, environmental quality and crop resilience to climate stress.


a. Research projects in plant science, soil science, nutritional science, agricultural sciences or other field of scientific research impacting food security will be considered for the Prize.
b. Applicants will be considered from academic or research organisations, civil society organisations and the private sector.
c. The research can be based anywhere in the world, and can be focussed on innovation for food security in developed and/or developing countries.
d. The research project must be ongoing, and have enough evidence of achieved or potential impact to fulfil the judging criteria
e. Research into the genetic modification of organisms is not eligible for the Prize.
f. Olam employees are not eligible for the Prize.

Purpose of the Prize

a. The Prize is to be spent on the research project as detailed in the Application Form.
b. The Prize is to be spent on a research project that has the potential to continue for 12 months or longer after the receipt of the award.
c. The Prize is designed to help further knowledge and understanding towards food security and scale up innovation and progress towards Sustainable Development Goal #2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.


Click here to apply.

Picture credit: Olam international

For more details visit here the Olam website.