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World Bank Scholarships Program

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The World Bank Scholarships Program contributes to the World Bank Group’s mission of forging new dynamic approaches to capacity development and knowledge sharing in the developing world.

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The World Bank Scholarships Program contributes to the World Bank Group’s mission of forging new dynamic approaches to capacity development and knowledge sharing in the developing world.

It is an important component of the Bank Group’s efforts to promote economic development and shared prosperity through investing in education and developing human resources in the developing world. 

Since 1982, the Program has helped to form a pool of over 6,000 well-trained and experienced development professionals, transforming their countries and positively impacting future generations.

Currently, the World Bank Scholarships Program offers two sources of funding for graduate studies in development-related fields for mid-career professionals and researchers:

  • Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) WBGSP Since 1987, JJWBGSP has enabled more than 5,800 mid-career professionals from developing countries and Japan to complete graduate degrees in development-related fields. On an annual basis, the Government of Japan solely funds the JJ/WBGSP. 

    ATTENTION: The call for scholarship applications is now open until the application deadline of February 23, 2017. Learn more about how to apply for JJWBGSP scholarship for Developing Country Nationals and for Japan Nationals.
  • Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program (RSMFP) Since 1982, this fellowship program has enabled PhD candidates from developing countries to undertake research at institutions abroad. Fellowships are for 6–10 month periods and can be up to $25,000. The RSMFP was established with funding from the World Bank and the governments of Bangladesh, China, India, Kuwait, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, and former Yugoslavia. The most recent Call for Applications closed November 2, 2016.  Winning RSM Fellows will be informed at the end of January 2017. The next Call for Applications is expected to open in Fall 2017.