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Food sustainability media award

Media coverage of food is often limited to how it tastes. While that's important, the Food Sustainability Media Award goes beyond taste - recognising that food is really 'good' when it benefits people and the planet, which is why you're probably reading this after searching for 'Good Food Media Award'.

The global food system faces unprecedented challenges. Poverty, over-consumption, growing population and climate change are some of the most critical threats to our Planet. Now, more than ever, there is a pressing need to shed light on some of the paradoxes affecting our food system.

Food sustainabilityAbout the Award

Media coverage of food is often limited to how it tastes. While that's important, the Food Sustainability Media Award goes beyond taste - recognising that food is really 'good' when it benefits people and the planet, which is why you're probably reading this after searching for 'Good Food Media Award'.

The global food system faces unprecedented challenges. Poverty, over-consumption, growing population and climate change are some of the most critical threats to our Planet. Now, more than ever, there is a pressing need to shed light on some of the paradoxes affecting our food system.

  • Hunger & Obesity – for every undernourished person there are now two obese or overweight people in the world;
  • Food & Fuel – a third of agricultural cereal crops are used to produce animal feed or biofuels despite hunger and malnutrition;
  • Waste & Starvation – 1.3 billion tons of edible food is wasted every day, four times the amount needed to feed the 795 million undernourished people around the world.

Food sustainability is a global concern, and we believe the media and communicating issues related to food security, sustainability, agriculture and nutrition.


The media is fundamental to drawing public attention to urgent food and sustainability topics with an enormous impact on peoples’ lives. For this reason, the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition and the Thomson Reuters Foundation have launched the Food Sustainability Media Award: an international recognition intended to reward excellence in journalism and give visibility to stories and contributions about dietary sustainability.


The Food Sustainability Media Award will officially open the 9th January 2017 and close the 31st May 2017. 


Entries to the Food Sustainability Media Award will be judged in the following three categories: written journalism, photography and video.

  • For each category we will award both one published and one unpublishedpiece of work.
  • Winners awarded for their published written, photography and videowork will receive a €10,000 cash prize.
  • Winners awarded for their unpublished written, photography and video work will receive an all-expenses paid trip to attend a Thomson Reuters Foundation media training course on food sustainability.
  • All winning unpublished entries will be distributed via the Thomson Reuters Foundation and the BCFN websites.
  • The winning unpublished written work will also be distributed by the Thomson Reuters Foundation via the Reuters wire, reaching an estimated 1 billion readers.

Award catagories

For each of the Award’s three categories, both published and unpublished work can be submitted. Published and unpublished entries will be judged separately.

In addition, finalists in all three categories both published and unpublished will be put forward for the Best of the Web Award. The winner of this award will be chosen by the public.

Written Journalism

This category recognises excellence in written journalism for a news/feature article published in print or online that addresses topics, stories or issues related to food sustainability through distinctive, accurate and original reporting.


This category honours exceptional video content that sheds light on stories related to food sustainability through visual storytelling and/or investigative journalism and creative use of video. Entries will be judged on their quality, impact, innovation and creativity.


This category is for outstanding photojournalism through either a single photograph or photo series on key themes or issues related to food sustainability. Entries will be judged according to effective use of photography, overall impact, composition, artistic merit and originality.


All shortlisted entries for the Food Sustainability Media Award will be assessed by an independent panel of leading professionals from the fields of journalism, photography, food and agricultural sustainability policy and research.

Picture credit: Food Sustainability Media Award 

For more details visit here the Food Sustainability Media Award website.