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William and Flora Hewlett Foundation — Grants for Climate and Energy

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation makes grants to solve social and environmental problems in the USA and internationally. The Foundation’s grant making for its environmental sub-program in Climate and Energy makes grants to strengthen global climate policy. The Foundation also funds improvements in transportation to reduce air pollution — focusing on China, Mexico, Brazil, and the USA. Most of Hewlett’s grants are by invitation. However, the Foundation accepts letters of inquiry (LOIs) in certain programs — including Climate and Energy. LOIs can be submitted at any time. Link

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation makes grants to solve social and environmental problems in the USA and internationally. The Foundation’s grant making for its environmental sub-program in Climate and Energy makes grants to strengthen global climate policy. The Foundation also funds improvements in transportation to reduce air pollution — focusing on China, Mexico, Brazil, and the USA. Most of Hewlett’s grants are by invitation. However, the Foundation accepts letters of inquiry (LOIs) in certain programs — including Climate and Energy. LOIs can be submitted at any time. Link