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Stiftung Artenschutz — Amphibian Conservation Fund 2017

The Amphibian Conservation Fund supports conservation measures for endangered amphibian species and subspecies. The Foundation is interested in both in-situ conservation and conservation-related research, as well as measures to enhance public awareness. Funding recipients may be legally registered non-profit organisations or non-profit promoter contributors, as well as public institutions. Grants are up to €4 thousand for 18 months. The deadline for applications (German, English) is 30 April 2017. Link

The Amphibian Conservation Fund supports conservation measures for endangered amphibian species and subspecies. The Foundation is interested in both in-situ conservation and conservation-related research, as well as measures to enhance public awareness. Funding recipients may be legally registered non-profit organisations or non-profit promoter contributors, as well as public institutions. Grants are up to €4 thousand for 18 months. The deadline for applications (German, English) is 30 April 2017. Link