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Human Development Innovation Fund — Grassroots Projects in Tanzania

The Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF) is funded by the UK government to create social impact in education, health and water, and sanitation and hygiene (WASH) across Tanzania. In Round 3, HDIF welcomes funding applications for pilot and scale-up projects between £500 thousand and £1 million for projects up to three years.  Eligibility extends to non-state organizations such as for?profit businesses; social enterprises; civil society organisations; public-private partnerships; NGOs; charities or societies; faith?based organizations; community?based organizations; academic institutions; and research institutes involved in solutions to improve services for the poor. Lead applicants should have proof of registration in Tanzania.  The application deadline is 08 September 2017. Link

The Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF) is funded by the UK government to create social impact in education, health and water, and sanitation and hygiene (WASH) across Tanzania. In Round 3, HDIF welcomes funding applications for pilot and scale-up projects between £500 thousand and £1 million for projects up to three years.  Eligibility extends to non-state organizations such as for?profit businesses; social enterprises; civil society organisations; public-private partnerships; NGOs; charities or societies; faith?based organizations; community?based organizations; academic institutions; and research institutes involved in solutions to improve services for the poor. Lead applicants should have proof of registration in Tanzania.  The application deadline is 08 September 2017. Link