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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Asian Elephant Conservation Fund 2021

The Asian Elephant Conservation Fund invites project proposals for the conservation of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Grants are for activities in elephant conservation, protection of habitat, prevention of poaching, and other activities in elephant conservation. Grants range from US$50 thousand to US$500 thousand for projects at priority sites within the range of the Asian elephant, but proposals outside of range are welcome when shows a clear relevance to the Asian elephant conservation. Eligibility for funding extends to qualified individuals; multi-national secretariats; state and local government agencies; nonprofit, non-governmental organizations; for-profit organizations; public and private institutions of higher education, and foreign entities. The application deadline is 06 May 2021. Asian Elephant Conservation

The Asian Elephant Conservation Fund invites project proposals for the conservation of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Grants are for activities in elephant conservation, protection of habitat, prevention of poaching, and other activities in elephant conservation. Grants range from US$50 thousand to US$500 thousand for projects at priority sites within the range of the Asian elephant, but proposals outside of range are welcome when shows a clear relevance to the Asian elephant conservation. Eligibility for funding extends to qualified individuals; multi-national secretariats; state and local government agencies; nonprofit, non-governmental organizations; for-profit organizations; public and private institutions of higher education, and foreign entities. The application deadline is 06 May 2021. Asian Elephant Conservation