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Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Photo Contest 2021

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites current and former grantees to enter the 2021 Digital Photo Contest. CEPF is looking for images that show how their support enables people to protect hotspot species and critical ecosystems, and participate in sustainable livelihoods. The winning images will be featured on the homepage of CEPF’s website and other media within the CEPF network. Deadline for submitting entries is 03 May 2021. Link

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites current and former grantees to enter the 2021 Digital Photo Contest. CEPF is looking for images that show how their support enables people to protect hotspot species and critical ecosystems, and participate in sustainable livelihoods. The winning images will be featured on the homepage of CEPF’s website and other media within the CEPF network. Deadline for submitting entries is 03 May 2021. Link