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TWAS ISTIC Competition "Innovations in Science and Technology in Developing Countries'

Innovations in Science and Technology in Developing Countries TWAS and ISTIC are collaborating on a project aimed at identifying, rewarding and disseminating best practices in the innovative use of science and technology in the development of new products, processes or services that have had impacts on economic development in the South.

The TWAS-International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation (ISTIC) project is divided into three phases: 1. PHASE 1: Scientists, entrepreneurs and others are invited to submit abstracts of their experience by completing Document A and mailing it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 15 May 2012. 2. PHASE 2: Authors of the best 10-15 case studies, as judged by a panel of experts, will be invited to present full-length reports (based on the guidelines in Document B) at a workshop in Penang, Malaysia scheduled for 15-19 October 2012. The workshop will be followed by a ISTIC-TWAS competition on "Successful Innovation in Science and Technology in Developing Countries" (20-21 October 2012): the best three presentations given at the workshop will be rewarded with cash prizes of USD 5,000, USD 3,000 and USD 2,000, respectively. 3. PHASE 3: TWAS and ISTIC will edit the case studies of the 10-15 finalists for publication and make them freely available throughout the South.

Documents can be downloaded on the following link:
Contact details

Sabina Caris TWAS Exchanges Office ICTP Campus Strada Costiera 11 34151 Trieste Italy