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APEC Project Implementation - Funding Opportunities

Project Implementation 

APEC projects are managed and implemented across all 21 member economies in accordance with the Guidebook on APEC Projects. The Guidebook and the procedures described within are continuously revised to improve project planning and implementation.

Project Implementation 

APEC projects are managed and implemented across all 21 member economies in accordance with the Guidebook on APEC Projects. The Guidebook and the procedures described within are continuously revised to improve project planning and implementation.

Standard APEC projects are implemented over two APEC financial years, starting with the year that a project is approved and ending on 31 December the following year—that is, projects approved at any point in 2013 must be completed by 31 December 2014. 

APEC encourages the involvement of the private sector, universities and governments in the region in its projects. Typically, requests for proposals/tenders to implement projects are advertised on the APEC website. Current requests for proposals/tenders, if any, are listed here

Responsibility for the management of the project rests with the Project Overseer (PO), including ensuring adherence to funding guidelines and project milestones. The PO may form a steering committee for the project, depending on the project’s complexity. The steering committee or PO must finalise the details of the project, including the timing and venue of events, participants, and any contracting.

Project Monitoring

The PO keeps the relevant APEC Program Director (PD) and Program Executive (PE) regularly informed of progress in implementing the project (at least every two months).

All APEC-funded projects are monitored to ensure that they are progressing in line with the timeframes, budgets and methods presented in the project proposal. Projects are formally monitored at least every six months, when the PO must complete and submit a monitoring report (Feb. 1 and Aug. 1 of each year). The full reports are presented to the relevant forum, and a summary report is presented to the BMC. The Secretariat reports projects to BMC that have not met the monitoring reporting requirements. POs that fail to submit monitoring reports may not put forward new concept notes or proposals until all overdue reports are submitted.

Both the relevant forum and the BMC may take action to manage projects that are not being implemented in line with timelines or expectations.

Project Completion

An APEC project is considered ‘completed’ on 31 December of the year following the funding approval session of the project proposal, or when all project activities have been finished and all project invoices received, whichever is earlier. A project may also be deemed “completed” if it is terminated by its approving body (i.e., BMC or SOM). POs may submit a Request for Extension through the APEC Secretariat if the project cannot be completed before the end of the second budget year.

The PO must complete and submit the project completion report within two months of the completion of the project.

POs must submit completion reports to the APEC Secretariat through their forum’s PD. The Secretariat reports projects to BMC that have not met completion reporting requirements. Following SOM authorisation, BMC bars any forum that has not submitted a completion report from putting forward new concept notes or proposals until all overdue reports are submitted.

Other Information

APEC Projects Overview can be found here.
Applying for Funds information can be found here.
APEC Project Funding Sources information can be found here.

For more information, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.