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Basic Information
Ivana Radic Jean
04 六
About Me:
I grew up in rather rural environment, in my early childhood my mother was managing a great agricultural cooperative, and in my teenage my parents had their own pig and cattle farm. However, being a girl, and a nerd, nobody ever thought I would study agriculture. Still, I did, and I consider this the best decision of my life!I am very interested in rural development and sustainability issues. My personal belief is that the world is relying on complete global agricultural and food chain. And I want to contribute myslef in this matter. This is why I am part of Slow Food Youth Network, a young part of Slow Food movement, that is involved in food issues with the aim to reise awareness among youth, provoke dialoge and concrete action for "good, clean and fair" food system. I studied agriculture at 4 different Universities in Europe. And I also made many other courses, internships and volunteering experiences.In July 2012 I was a participant of YES course, that is dealing with matters of sustainability in a very detailed way, and there I got inspired to learn more, and involve myself more in matters of sustainability and specifically in terms of agriculture, therefore I recently have more and more interest in organic agriculture, urban agriculture, land grabbing.The month of September, 2013 I have spent at organic farm in Iceland, having the opportunity to introduce myself to real organic field work, dealing with production of vegetables, barley products, comfitures and other processed food.I volunteered in agritourism farm in central Italy, working in olive orchard and in the lovely restaurant of a farmer family.Together with other young people from Slow Food Youth Network I was present at Salone del Gusto Internazionale Terra Madre in Torino 2012, and SFYN Congress and Food film festival in Amsterdam 2013. I am involved in several projects, all about food and agriculutre, some concerning education, some rural tourism; I am doing an internship in a local seed and nursery enterprise; I am reading ever more to be able to learn more, and give more knowlegde to society around me!Contact me at [email protected] if you want to get involved in YPARD Serbia activities!
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