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Basic Information
Nur Sh.Mohamed Abdi
07 十
About Me:
  Summary Profile.  Name of the association:-     Youth of Agro-Marine Development Association  Acronym: -                                   YAMDA.  Head quarter:-                            Merka-Somalia.  Established date:-                      2012  Area of operation:-                   Lower Shabelle Region.                                                               Sectors of operation:-          1) Rehabilitations of channels, Lakes, Dams, Seed and fertilizer                                                        application, Training of farmers with suitable methods of                                                         farming.                                                    2) Distribution of Sea equipment like:- boats, nets and motors  Contact person:-                    Nour Sh.Mohamed Abdi                                                       Tell: +252615813281                                                        Email:,[email protected]                                                          Merka-Somalia     Background. YAMDA is non-governmental, non-profit, and non-partisan association, it is an independent association which dedicated to promote and develop the Agricultural and Coastal area of  Lower Shebelle Region. Therefore, YAMDA was established to upgrade and learn new methods of fishing and farming to the small scale fishers and farmers to benefit the resources of their land. This YAMDA was founded June, 2012 after we saw the need which existed in this region, but didn’t become active because of the lack of financial and other issues related for the security.  The YAMDA association consist of seven persons among whom are three female, majority of the members are graduators in agriculture universities and also some graduated from agricultural colleges. YAMDA  headquarter is in Merka-Somalia.  YAMDA focus on small and poor household  fishers and farmers.  VISION: - Our dream is to eradicate any form of hunger in Somalia and see that all Somali  fishers and farmers have access to produce every valuable product and get a market for their product in order to increase their production and moral.   MISSON Statement: - YAMDA strives to use developed appropriate agricultural and Coastal knowledge and enhance creation agricultural and Marine cooperatives, provides training and technical support to small holder farmers and fishers on best farming practices thus promoting sustainable development to poor farming and fishing  households.  Objectives. 1. To reduce  hunger by giving sustainable agricultural and Marine programs development to the small scale farmers and fishers.2. To Improve farms and seas styles and encourages farmers and fishers to produce high quality and quantity food.3. To Improve the nutritional status of the rural and urban centers.4. To improve the economical and social status of the vulnerable farmers and fishers.5. To Provide source of income for the vulnerable people. YAMDA’s agricultural and marine activities. 1. Holding workshops and seminars to fishers and  farmers .on Marine and agricultural technology.2. Training small scale fishers and farmers on modern Marine and agricultural science. 3. Creation Marine and Agricultural cooperatives  by giving investment.4. Agricultural and Marine  inputs distribution to poor small farmers and fishers such as treated seeds, fertilizers, Insecticides, boats, Nets and Motors etc.5. Encouraging small and poor farmers and fishers to increase their production through Agricultural and Marine extension.6. Development market infrastructure and marketing system. CORE VALUE: - 1. Transparency.2. Accountability.3. Commitment and flexibility.4. Initiatives. 5. Loyalty and honest.6. Confidence.7. Respect. YAMDA’S  ASSETS: - YAMDA established by Somali youth agriculturalists and Marine professionals with more experience and knowledge on Somali agriculture and Marine from different agriculture universities and different regions as well as having capacity of project management.  YAMDA has grown up to be one of the active associations’ working agricultural and Marine programs. It supposes to keep in the trends of Marine and agricultural development to the Somali people.                                      ACTIVITY DONE BY YAMDA.YAMDA gave some small poor fishers at Merka, ceel ahmed and ceeljaale  in Lower Shebelle region training about on mobilization and skills of marine. YAMDA  consulted and encouraged poor fishers to adopt modern Marine methods by using their available materials to obtain their daily livelihood.  On other hand here are attached photos of latest seminar for the Somali youth on the risks of illegal immigration over the sea, and the impacts that it will bring for their safety, and many reasons could stand behind this training, it is due numerous of death and missing  youths  in the sea during the youth’s immigration seeking better life in the neighboring countries such Yemen and Saudi Arabia,through the red sea and Libya through madeterenium sea attempting to reach the closest European country for Somalia , which is Italy, but unfortunately they are putting their lives in risks which can be meant( kill yourself with your hand), therefore YAMDA become compulsory to conduct such seminar for the youth in order to reduce the mentioned risks that our youth are facing day to day.                ACTIVITY PLAN. YAMDA for the coming year plans training activities that will held the fishers of lower  Shebelle region, specially it gives concentration the  fishers that the last year affected the serious droughts those can’t afford to make fishing their own fishing for the reason of lack financial and these fishers need training to upgrade their livelihood, recover the serious droughts affected and obtain or complete sufficient live of their family.     
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