By Marina on 2013年12月02日, 星期一
Category: Blog Post

Active Youths’ take home messages - how to involve our peers in landscapes approaches

“We now have the largest youth generation in human history.  What do we do with this restless generation?  Far too often activities are taking place without the input from young people.”  Thembi (Sithembile Ndema) started, as the hard talk moderator at the Youth session of the Global Landscapes Forum, 16th November, Warsaw, Poland.

10 young speakers were selected among 150 applications to take part in this youth session. The discussions were built around four key themes related to youth-in-landscapes’ empowerment:

  1. Sustainable Entrepreneurship
  2. Overcoming negative perceptions of agriculture/ the landscapes sector
  3. Capacity development
  4. The power of groups

Each speaker, based on their story and experience, delivered take home messages, as recommendations and call for action by their peers and their supporters.

Some other key messages from the discussions were:

Bruce Campbell - CCAFS, took part at the end of the session as a symbol of GLF's organizers to "receive" youth input in the global GLF. He called youth to stop being patient. He referred to message from 2010 from the youth: “You have been negotiating all my life.  You cannot tell me that you need more time”. Initiate the revolution! He said.

In addition, Sithembile Ndema (FANRPAN), the moderator of the session was invited to bring the youth recommendations at the closing session (00:34:30 mins). She eloquently brought to the forefront the 2 recommendations of the session to feed into the GLF global conclusions:

One of the last calls of the 2day event, by B. Campbell, was that the youth shouldn't be put in a "box": in a side-event, but instead, they should get better means to fully take part in ALL the sessions, at the next GLF.

The youth session was web streamed - you can check the videos: .

The youth session was a success. Not only did we get very positive feedback here and there, but also, the number of blog posts/articles covering the session shows the enthusiasm it created: . The reporting and interaction on Twitter was also high.

The session included an online youth contest based on the 150 submissions we received for participation as a speaker - the results were announced at the end of the session but also showcased via a blog post on the same day:

Check also the storify for more inspiring quotes:

The GLF youth session was organized by YPARD and CIFOR with the support of CCAFS, CGIAR, GFAR, CTA and FANRPAN.

Picture credit: Neil Palmer (IWMI)

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