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AgTraIn blog: What young researchers have to say about agricultural innovation!

AgTraIn blog: what young researchers have to say about agricultural innovation!AgTraIn, which stands for Agricultural Transformation by Innovation, is one of the few joint PhD programs within the Erasmus Mundus scheme of the European Commission. Six European universities participate in AgTraIn:

The main focus of the program is on agricultural development, commercialization and farmer innovation in developing countries. So far, there are 4 batches in the AgTraIn program, together with a fifth batch on the way of selection.

The young researchers of the AgTraIn program come from all over the world: Uruguay, Bangladesh, Peru, Uganda, France, Spain, and U.S.A., just to name some countries. Besides, there is a wide diversity of research topics within AgTraIners: from the work on potato seeds, climate change related issues, to marketing and economics for small scale farmers.

A must-follow Blog for youth in agriculture!

Realizing that all together we cover a wide range of topics, fieldworks and research backgrounds, we came up with the idea of creating a blog and write about our work and our AgTraIn experience as a whole.

At the moment, the blog features: the first AgTraIn graduate Dr Eduardo Fuentes and his work on dairy value chain in Peru; the story about origin based products and biodiversity in France, Italy and Morocco presented by Mariagiulia Mariani; and an announcement of the 3rd Global Science Conference “Climate Smart Agriculture 2015”, Montpellier.

There are more interesting topics coming, and AGTraIn blog is certainly the “Must follow” material for all the young researchers and professionals involved in agriculture and development!

Check AgTraIn blog out

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